A late entry for the 'Lost In Space' theme. A homage to William Stout bootleg LP covers, which were in turn a homage to EC comic covers. Pen ink and watercolour. It still needs some work... It was interesting/fun/frustrating to try some caricatures with kind of a cop-out on the John Paul Jones Custard Pie one!
As new-bug to the group I guess I'll go first. It was going really badly until it all came together today. Coloured pencil just seemed the right medium for the idea. I had another plan- it was a nice idea but wouldn't come together (see http://asigoramblinround.blogspot.com ). Any comments would be gratefully received. Thanks to Roland for letting me join- I'm already hooked!
Well fourteen night of 2009 have already passed. Now you've had a chance to settle back into your routines and fail at all your resolutions, it's about time for a new theme.
Film posters used to be illustrated and they were awesome. Draw a poster for a film old or new real or imagined.