Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The Irritating Adventures of Pickleman and Dudoh


nicholas g williams said...

Those birds make my soul smile. Is that ancient stone grenade gonna cause them a mischief?

Paul Abbott said...

gonna blow them to smitherines, c'mon post people post. Make me find a reason to love the human race again

nicholas g williams said...

I've got something on the way, calm down.

Paul Abbott said...

like being back at CA eh Nic? The iron fist i ruled you with, especially regarding your lateness!

Dion Lay said...

Just checked out the Relentless show, cool beans! Really liked Alex Crowhurst's stuff as well, seen his link on here, I'll check his stuff out now.

Foom Spectacular said...


Crowpie said...


Go Pickleman!

nicholas g williams said...

dion you still have my kingdom of heaven dvds can i have them back please thank you?